plc received notification on 26 July 2004 that Titec Limited purchased shares in the Company as follows:

DateNumber of SharesPrice (pence)
5th July 2004500006.25
7th July 2004500006.50
14th July 2004500007.25

Mr James Mellon is a beneficiary of a discretionary trust that holds the entire issued share capital of Titec Limited. Mr Mellon is also a beneficiary of a discretionary trust that holds the entire share capital of Burnbrae Limited which holds 26.1 million shares in the company. Separately, Mr Mellon is also interested in 18,000 Ordinary Shares in the Company. In total, therefore, he is directly or indirectly interested in 27,068,000 Ordinary Shares, representing 21.58 per cent. of the issued share capital.

Mr Mellon was appointed as a non-executive Director of the Company on 16 July 2004.